Monday, July 25, 2011

Big Purchases...

Sometimes big purchases make me sick to my stomach.  I worry if I have made the right decision, and I lose sleep over it.  This past weekend, Scott and I made 2 big purchases.  One is the sectional, which I love... and the other was a washing machine, which was needed.

I have such a hard time with decision making.  For me, walking into a store and seeing a bunch of different options of essentially the same thing... well... that makes me crazy!  We bought an energy star washer... hopefully we made a good choice.  It's a Maytag.  I was happy with the price, and the size of the washer, and the fact that it is apparently going to save us money in water and electricity.  I just pray it serves us well.  It was such a huge purchase.

On a brighter side, Scott won something yesterday.   He is such a good luck charm.  I've said that from the very beginning with him.  Good things always happen when I am around him.  He just has good energy around him all the time.  I partially think it's because his step-dad (who passed away 4 years ago) is watching down on him and is probably around him a lot.

So what did he win?

A 50'' Plasma Screen TV!

Now, a few posts back, I mentioned how we were remodeling an old hutch and turning it into an entertainment center.  We are almost finished with it and it looks great.  It fits Scott's 37'' flat screen TV perfectly.  Will it fit a 50''?  Noooo way.

What to do with a 50'' TV...

We may sell it to have some money for the wedding!  That would be great!  =)

Move in day = 5 days!


-Karla  =)

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